Engine 34 - Volunteer Search Dog Handlers
Our profits, your charity
Giving to charity at checkout is a powerful fundraising tool. But instead of asking you to round up your receipt, we're inviting you to direct where our donations go.
How much is being donated is prominently featured on every product, so there's no guessing how much we're giving - it's real money making a real difference to our Working Dog partners.
Where is my donation going?
The Volunteer Handler charity is commited to distributing funds directly to Volunteer Working Dog Handlers. When you select Volunteer Handlers as your charity at checkout, we will make a donation on your behalf directly to them. We hold these funds for events that may arise throughout the calendar year.
Why donations matter
From every order, Engine 34 will make a donation to the charity of your choice. This donation is part of our Fueling Heroes™ Campaign which provides funding to working dogs across the United States.
Each year, dogs and their handlers respond to thousands of calls for missing persons. These highly trained teams assist with searches for missing people in a variety of different environments. These may include a big city, the wilderness, water, or the site of an avalanche. The teams we have trained, evaluated, and certified help recover human remains, look for evidence of a crime, and even respond to scents in the air to locate those missing.
Ongoing Support to Handlers
At Engine 34, we have a special place in our hearts for volunteers. These Handlers invest all of their own time and money to help in a moments notice, with unpredictable situations in their hometown. When funding allows, we will assist volunteer Working Dog Handlers with specialized training, helping with K9 medical expenses, and supplying essential gear; enabling them to focus on the task at hand.
No Cost to Fire Departments
While there is no predicting emergencies, volunteer handlers can be called on 24/7 to assist in a multitude of rescue missions. These dogs are provided at no cost to fire departments and other disaster response agencies.
U.S. Missing Persons Each Year
Search Dogs
Air Scent Dogs
Working Hard, for Working Dogs
Providing assistance to Scent Detection, Water Rescue, Remains Detection, Therapy, And Service Dogs.
Volunteer Assistance Request
Are you a volunteer handler who could use our help? Reach out to be added to our list.